Supervised Learning

Given the “right answer” for each example in the data


Predict Real-Valued output

Linear Regression

Find a linear function that best match the historical data trend, and can predict a future data through it.

Following hypothetical function means there are n features that will impact the result.

`h_theta(x) = theta_0 + theta_1 x_1 + theta_2 x_2 + … + theta_n x_n`

We can vectorize the hypothetical function.

`h_theta(x) = theta_0 + theta_1 x_1 + theta_2 x_2 + … + theta_n x_n = theta^T x`

Our purpose is to find the best `theta` that can make the function can best match historical data. Than we have following cost function. We want to minimize the cost function.

`J(theta) = 1/(2m) sum_(i=1)^m ( h_theta ( x^((i)) ) - y^((i)) )^2`

Gradient Descent

One way to minimize the cost function is using gradient descent algorithm. In batch gradient descent, each iteration performs the following update (simultaneously update `theta_j` for all j). With each step of gradient descent, your parameters `theta_j` come closer to the optimal values that will achieve the lowest cost function `J ( theta )`.

`theta_j = theta_j - alpha 1/m sum_(i=1)^m ( h_theta ( x^((i)) ) - y^((i)) ) x_j^((i))`

`alpha` will affect on the efficiency of gradient descent algorithm. Too small will take longer time to achieve the lowest cost function, but too big may cannot converge finally.

Normal Equation

Normal Equation is another way to compute `theta` much more efficient. Following is the formula:

`theta = (X^T X)^(-1) X^T y`

Gradient Descent VS Normal Equation

Gradient Descent:

  • Need to choose `alpha`.
  • Needs many iterations.
  • Works well even when has a large number of features.

Normal Equation:

  • No need to choose `alpha`.
  • Don’t need to iterate.
  • Need to compute `(X^T X)^(-1)`.
  • Slow if has a large number of features.


Predict Discrete-Value output

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression hypothesis is defined as: `h_theta(x) = g(theta^T x)`, and want ` 0 <= h_theta(x) <= 1`, so we have function `g` a sigmoid function. the sigmoid function is defined as: `g(z) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z))`.

Then `h_theta(x)` looks like this: ` h_theta(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-theta^T x))`.

The output of `h_theta(x)` means the probability that `y = 1` on input `x`. For example, `h_theta(x) = 0.7` means this `x` has 70% chance to be classified to `y = 1`, has 30% chance to be classified to `y = 0`.

Defined cost function as the same as Linear Regression with a slight different way: `J(theta) = 1/m sum_(i=1)^m 1/2 (h_theta(x^(i)) - y^(i))^2`.

Defined `Cost(h_theta(x), y) = 1/2 (h_theta(x) -y)^2`. Because `h_theta(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-theta^T x))` will cause the non-convex problem, so we change it like this: `Cost(h_theta(x), y) = {(-log(h_theta(x)) if y = 1) , (-log(1 - h_theta(x)) if y = 0):}`.

Finally, we have our cost function like this:

` J(theta) = 1/m sum_(i=1)^m Cost(h_theta(x^((i))), y^((i))) `

We can translate it to this:

`J(theta) = - 1/m [ sum_(i=1)^m y^((i)) log h_theta(x^((i))) + (1-y^((i))) log(1-h_theta(x^((i)))) ] `

Gradient Descent

Want to `min_theta J(theta)`, then repeat `{ theta_j := theta_j - alpha d/(d theta_j) J(theta) = theta_j - alpha sum_(i=1)^m ( h_theta(x^((i)) - y^((i)) ))x_j^((i))}`.

Although this is looks the same as linear regression, but `h_theta(x) = 1/(1+e^(-theta^T x))` is not the same as linear regression.

One vs All

Train a logistic regression classifier `h_theta^((i)) (x)` for each class `i` to predict the probability that `y = i`.

On a new input `x`, to make a prediction, pick the class `i` that maximizes `max_i h_theta^((i)) (x)`.


First we will talk about overfitting, after that we will have our regularization cost function.


If we have too may features, the learned hypothesis may fit the training set very well(`J(theta) = 1/(2m) sum_(i=1)^m ( h_theta ( x^((i)) ) - y^((i)) )^2`), but fail to generalize to new examples (predict prices on new examples.)

Fixing overfitting:

1.Reduce number of features

  • Manually select which features to keep
  • Model selection algorithm


  • keep all the features, but reduce magnitude/values of parameters `theta_j`.
  • Works well when we have a lot of features, each of which contributes a bit to predicting `y`.


Add a regularization parameter at the end of cost function like following, will reduce the `theta`’s affection.

`J(theta) = 1/(2 m) [ sum_(i=1)^m ( h_theta(x^((i))) - y^((i)) )^2 + lambda sum_(j=1)^n theta_j^2 ]`

Notice: By convention, we don’t include `theta_0` in the regularization parameter.

If `lambda` is too small, then it will be no affection for the regularization parameter, but if it too big, will cause underfitting.

Neural Network

Model Representation

`a_i^((j)) ` = “activation” of unit `i` in layer `j`.

`Theta^((j))` = matrix of weights controlling function mapping from layer `j` to layer `j + 1`.

`a_1^((2)) = g(Theta_10^((1)) x_0 + Theta_11^((1)) x_1 + Theta_12^((1)) x_2 + Theta_13^((1)) x_3)`

`a_2^((2)) = g(Theta_20^((1)) x_0 + Theta_21^((1)) x_1 + Theta_22^((1)) x_2 + Theta_23^((1)) x_3)`

`a_3^((2)) = g(Theta_30^((1)) x_0 + Theta_31^((1)) x_1 + Theta_32^((1)) x_2 + Theta_33^((1)) x_3)`

`h_Theta(x) = a_1^((3)) = g( Theta_10^((2)) a_0^((2)) + Theta_11^((2)) a_1^((2)) + Theta_12^((2)) a_2^((2)) + Theta_13^((2)) a_3^((2) ) )`

If network has `s_j` units in layer ` j `, and `s _ (j+1)` units in layer `j + 1`, then `Theta^((j))` will be of dimension `s_(j+1) xx (s_j + 1)`.

Forward propagation: Vectorized implementation

According to the last example, we have a `x = [(x_0),(x_1),(x_2),(x_3)]`, and `z^((2)) = [(z_1^((2))),(z_2^((2))),(z_3^((2)))]`.

`z^((2)) = Theta^((1)) a^((1))`

`a^((2)) = g(z^((2)))`

Add `a_0^((2)) = 1`. then, `z^((3)) = Theta^((2)) a^((2))`. and, `h_Theta(x) = a^((3)) = g(z^((3)))`.

Cost Function

` J(Theta) = - 1/m [ sum _(i=1)^m sum _(k=1)^K y _k^((i)) log ( h_Theta( x^((i)) ))_k + ( 1 - y_k^((i)) ) log (1 - (h_Theta( x^((i)) ))_k)] + lambda / 2m sum _(l=1)^(L-1) sum _(i=1)^(S _l) sum _(j=1)^(S _(l+1)) (Theta _(ji)^((l))) ^2`

Backward Propagation

Backward propagation algorithm is for minimizing the Cost function of Neural Network.

  1. Traning set`{(x^((1)), y^((1))), … , (X^((m)),y^((m)))}`
  2. Set `Delta _ij^((l)) = 0` (for all l,i,j).
  3. For ` i = 1` to `m`
    Set `a^((1)) = x^((i))`
    Perform forward propagation to compute `a^((l))` for `l = 2,3,…,L`
    Using `y^((i))`, compute `delta^((L)) = a^((L)) - y^((i))`
    Compute ` delta^((L-1)), delta^((L-2)),…,delta^((2))`. No `delta^((1))`. :`Delta _(ij)^((l)) := Delta _(ij)^((l))+ a_j^((l)) delta _i^((l+1))`
  4. Compute following
    `D _(ij)^((l)) := 1/m Delta _(ij)^((l)) + lambda Theta _(ij)^((l))` if ` j != 0`
    `D _(ij)^((l)) := 1/m Delta _(ij)^((l))` if ` j = 0`

Following shows how to compute `delta` for each layer.

` delta_j^((4)) = a_j^((4)) - y_i `

` delta^((3)) = (Theta^((3)))^T delta^((4)) .** g’ (z^((3)))`

` delta^((2)) = (Theta^((2)))^T delta^((3)) .** g’ (z^((2)))`

Training a neural network

  1. Randomly initialize weights
  2. Implement forward propagation to get `h_Theta(x^((i)))` for any `x^((i))`
  3. Implement code to compute cost function `j(Theta)`
  4. Implement back propagation to compute partial derivatives `del/(del Theta _(jk)^((l))) J(Theta)`
    for i=1:m
    perform forward propagation and back propagation using example `(x^((i)), y^((i)))`
    (Get activations `a^((l))` and delta terms `delta^((l))` for `l=2,…,L`).
  5. Use gradient checking to compare `del/(del Theta _(jk)^((l))) J(Theta)` computed using back propagation vs. using numeral estimate of gradient of `J(Theta)`. Then disable gradient checking code.
  6. Use gradient descent or advanced optimization method with back propagation to try to minimize `J(Theta)` as a function of parameters `Theta`

Evaluation Machine Learning

High Bias
Means under-fitting. More training data is not helpful. Add more features or reduce `lambda` could fix it.
High Variance
Means over-fitting. Training with more data is helpful, and increase `lambda` and reduce features could fix it.

Evaluating a hypothesis

Typically, we can divide data into 3 parts. Training data (60%), cross validation data (20%) and test data (20%). We use cross validation data to evaluate all the hypothesis, and to choose a best hypothesis.

Error metrics

`Precise = (Actual True)/(Actual True + Fake True)`

`Recall = (Actual True)/(Actual True + Fake False)`
Fake True: The actual is false, prediction is true.
Fake False: The actual is true, prediction is false.

Trading off Precision and recall

`0 <= h_theta(x) <= 1 `, predict 1 if `h_theta(x)>=0.5`, and predict 0 if `h_theta(x)<0.5`. So 0.5 is the threshold.

If we increase threshold, than we will get a higher precision and a lower recall.

If we decrease threshold, than we will get a higher recall and a lower precision.

`F_1 text(Score) = 2 (Precision ** Recall)/(Precision + Recall)`, Higher `F_1 text(Score)` indicate better choice of the threshold.

Support Vector Machine

SVM Hypothesis is like following.

` min _theta C sum _(i=1)^m [ y^((i)) text(cost) _1 (theta^T x^((i))) + (1 - y^((i))) text(cost) _0 (theta^T x^((i)))] + 1/2 sum _(j=1)^n theta _j^2`

Logistic regression vs. SVMs

n = number of features, m = number of training examples

If n is large , use logistic regression , or SVM without a kernel (“linear kernel”).

If n is small, m is intermediate, use SVM with Gaussian kernel.

If n is small, m is large, than add more features and use logistic regression or SVM without a kernel.

Neural network likely to work well for most of these settings, but may be slower to train.

Unsupervised Learning
