This is Lephix’s personal site.
Note for HuggingFace
Note For Multipass
Note For V2ray
Note For Proxy Server Squid
Domain Registrar
Learning Go
K8s Development Env
Note For Vpn
Note For React
Mysql Tricks
Spring Security Essentials
Python Tricks
Maven Tricks
Tricks for using Zsh
Spark On K8s
Git Tricks
Ocr Java Translation
Kubernetes Learning
Docker Tips
Grafana Usage
ELK configuration
Tomcat tricks and debugging with JRebel
Tricks for using Mac OS X
Note For Proxy
Simple Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration
Note for Redis
How to use MathJax with Jekyll
Note for learning Octave
Base Knowledge Of Linear Algebra
Note for machine learning course from Stanford on Coursera
Note For Coding Interviews
Simple NTP setup in Linux
Note For Algorithm
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